Friday, January 15, 2010


The Lifestyle Change Analysis is designed for those individuals who would like to achieve a specific goal via an in-depth look at their lifestyle, health and wellbeing. The aim is to provide the client, over a series of seven one hour consultations (over seven weeks) an in-depth analysis of their current lifestyle and show them how to lead a healthier life.

The Analysis will look into the client’s energy intake and expenditure, vitamin and mineral requirements, body composition and fitness levels. Dan will then provide an example of the correct intake of energy for the client’s body type and how this can be worked into their lifestyle. He will also provide a home workout kit that can be used to attain the client’s goals and will show you how to carry out your ten week exercise programme effectively and safely.

The seven weeks comprise of

Week 1:
Fact Finding
Goal assessment
Body measurement
Lifestyle analysis (using questionnaires and recording of daily activities)
Your questions answered

Week 2:
Your Questionnaire and Lifestyle results
Discussion on recording of daily activities
Questionnaire results and explanation
Lifestyle results and explanationWays to change your lifestyle based upon these results
Your questions answered

Week 3:
Your Nutritional Instructions
Results of your own personal energy intake and expenditure
Examples of the best energy intake and expenditure for you
Lifestyle Audit for analysis of where exercise can be factored into your day
Your questions answered
Week 4:
Your Lifestyle Change
Discussion about the lifestyle audit
Discussion on how to fit a lifestyle change into your day
Discussion on how to change your day for a healthier you
Your questions answered

Week 5: Your Personal Exercise Programme
Explanation about your training programme
Induction into your personal exercise programme
Your questions answered

Week 6:
Review of Your Exercise Programme
Discussion about your experiences with the exercise programme over the last week
Exercise recap where we go through your programme
Your questions answered

Week 7:
Review of the last 6 sessions
Review of your goals, nutritional results, lifestyle analysis, and exercise programme.
Discussion on any subject to do with the programme.

The Lifestyle Change Analysis is £390 per person and is carried-out with seven one hour consultations over a seven week period at the client’s home or workplace. The client receives unlimited access to Dan for any questions to be answered.